Crew preference questionnaire

In practices when we run two boats, we will often run a more rigorous practice for “dedicated” paddlers in one boat and a more casual practice for the other boat.

  • “Dedicated” paddlers will be those who can commit to an average of at least two practices a week. They’ll also be willing and able to commit to most of the scheduled races this season. These paddlers will be expected to handle a more intense practice with 500 and 2000 meter pieces and technical stroke corrections. The coaches will often “push” the dedicated paddlers up to their limits.
  • “Casual” paddlers will be those who may not be able to commit to more than one practice a week (or even less), who may not be as interested in racing, and who prefer a less rigorous and more fun practice, while being “pushed” occasionally.

The coaching staff will consider your preference and their judgement of crew makeup when setting up practice crews.