Water flow sites
- National Weather Service with predictions about future flow rates based on predicted precipitation
- US Geological Survey usually has more frequent and recent flow numbers than the Weather Service site
Water flow is one factor in deciding if its safe to practice on the water. We typically avoid flow rates of 42,000 cubic feet per second (CFS) as measured at the Natrona lock and dam, which is upstream from us. We are even more conservative with inexperienced crews.
Weather forecasts
- Weather.com forecast for our workout area (Fox Chapel/Ohara Township)
We do not go on the water when there is active lightning in the area. If lightning appears during a practice, the coach will return the boat quickly and safely to the dock.
We do not cancel practices due to weather. Conditions are often unpredictable and can clear by practice time. If conditions are not safe for an on-water workout, the coaches will lead an indoor session in our training facility. You will never have a wasted trip to a practice!
Lightning creates an electrocution hazard when out on open water. We do not paddle when there is visible lightning in our vicinity or a lightning monitor shows lightning within 30 kilometers. There are many sites and apps that monitor lightning proximity.
The Infoplaza lightning monitor app seems to work well and is available in Android or iOS versions:
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.meteoplaza.flash
- https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lightning-alarm/id1015876499
Air quality
Pollution and smoke can present a health hazard to some paddlers. We try to avoid practicing outdoors when the air quality index (AQI) exceeds 100 and enters the unhealthy ranges.
- Airnow.gov site for current Air Quality Index numbers in the Pittsburgh area.